
Unlimited free use Google Maps API is no longer available

Google argues that the measure is necessary to ensure "growth and evolution" of a service that until now was completely free.

Google has taken another step last week in what some analysts are beginning to interpret technology as a strategic change of the Internet giant in its business on the web.

The Google development team has announced the end of "unlimited free use" of its Google Maps API by introducing the basic maps limit of 25,000 or 2,500 per day stylized maps, from which we will have to check out our applications can keep running.

Since its launch back in 2005, since Google is not clearly informed that this could happen at any time, which has led to an ecosystem, possibly too bulky to keep without a viable business plan. In the words of John Musser, of, stated that "for some developers this will clearly be a problem but it is especially healthy ecosystem. Services need to be sustainable business models that work for both parties. "

Through Google Geo Developers Blog, the Mountain View Company announced the introduction of restrictions on the use of Google Maps API. It is a measure which Google application already anticipated last April to ensure "growth and evolution" of a service that until now was free.

An article in contains the first impressions of some developers, which in principle are sympathetic to the movement of Google: "Given the value of these APIs provide and the cost of keeping up, pay money for using them should not be a problem at all. The last thing any of us is that the withdrawal queries as they have with others, "says Daniel Treadwell Australian developer.

Google Maps API Premier v3 - Overview


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