
Virtual Supermarket - Another way to make the purchase

Shopping over the Internet is nothing new, especially in countries where new technologies are part of everyday life of its citizens. In South Korea have taken a step forward. They opened the first virtual supermarket.

The company Homeplus, South Korean subsidiary of the British chain Tesco has opened its first virtual store. It is located in a subway station in Seoul. What the buyer sees is a platform with illuminated signs that advertise hundreds of food products, from fruit and milk to soups and pet food.

To access this virtual supermarket is necessary to have a smartphone. Something that South Korea is no problem, nowadays, in that there are more than ten million of these phones.

Those responsible for the digital supermarket customers have thought of young people who have perfectly taken and integrated into their daily lives using the phone. They believe that their customers are very busy and many do not have the time to go to the supermarket to shop, so you can see in your shop a way to save time.

The way to buy is simple. Is collected on the phone product code you want. A beep sounds and the product image appears on the screen of the phone. You select the exact class size or application and then calls write when and where you would like to receive the product. If the request is made ​​before 13.00 hours, the company is committed to delivering the food that night.


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