
Xbox Prestige

Joseph Dumary is a designer who has created a conceptual PlayStation and has recentlyinvented a new version of the Xbox, Microsoft's console.

As the Xbox is a console Prestige conceptual Dumary has allowed his imagination run wild. The Prestige would use a smaller enclosure than the Xbox 360 S and it would stop using discs: all media, video games and would be stored in the cloud Xbox or 2TB diskfrom the console.

If real, the Xbox Prestige would have a eight-core processor, it would be 3D, bear 4KDKresolutions, would have GPS and multiTV. By the way we can pretend it would also havethe best graphics card around the world.

But do not let Kinect outside, so Dumary improvement has given two new options. The first is KinectIN: two mini-camera, 4 sensors and a microphone that lets you navigate menus by gestures. The second option is Kinect 2: would be 10 times more sensitive than theoriginal Kinect and be able to record videos in high resolution 3D.

Like the conceptual PS4 control, control of the Xbox would have a screen alerts, allowing you to adjust the analog and with a camera to turn our profile Xbox.

No doubt Joseph Dumary is all a dreamer.


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