
Facebook will review its privacy policy and will be subject to periodic audits

The proposed agreement with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to resolve allegations of privacy advocates regarding Facebook participated in deceptive behaviour.

Facebook is finalizing an agreement with federal regulators to change its privacy policies applied two years ago, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal.

The deal, pending final approval of the commissioners, would require consent from the Facebook users to "retroactive material changes," according to the newspaper report Thursday quoting U.S. sources anonymous. And submit to independent audits Facebook privacy for 20 years, the report said. Facebook and the FTC declined to comment.

The agreement would follow a similar agreement between the FTC and the Internet search leader Google in March. In 2010, the FTC settled charges against Twitter, claiming that the microblogging service had failed to protect the personal information of its users.

The FTC complaints against Facebook, with over 800 million users, were presented by a group of organizations in defence of privacy after the social network introduced new security preferences in 2009.

Changes made ​​to profile certain personal information such as gender of a user and the city, in which you reside, can be viewed by all. Previously, Facebook users could limit the people who wanted to make available that information.


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